Abby Carey’s Anybody In LA is a touching and relatable song that nails the loneliness longing feeling. With introspective lyrics and Abby’s emotive vocals bringing melancholy, ghostly feeling to this song from the start. A sparse production lets Abby’s voice take center stage. It is at the same time both vulnerable and powerful, riding along on the rawness of her lyrics expression.
The song is a tale of longing to be connected, and looking for someone in the big city like LA who can plug the empty space. The lyrics bring the city’s busy streets to life. One can also feel a sense of loneliness in such an intense atmosphere filled with people. The chorus is especially catchy and effective, with Abby’s voice rising above a simple yet strong melody.
All in all, Anybody In LA is a well-wrought song that reveals Abby Carey’s abilities as both lyricist and vocalist. It will strike a chord with anyone who ever felt lost or lonely in an impersonal big city; it is definitely worth the listen.