Mighty Backbone is a passionate and colorful musical journey by Júníus Meyvant. Its warm, folksy melodies and the soulful voice of singer Meyvant captivate from the first note. The instrumentation is both rich and sensitive, weaving together a sound collage that is rich in color as well as feeling. A personal and yet universal story is told through poetic lyrics which touch one’s mind. The special thing about ‘Mighty Backbone’ is that it combines a sense of nostalgia with modern sensibilities, giving it a timeless quality. This track also captures Meyvant’s ability to tell a story with music. It’s more than just a song; it’s an experience that really speaks to the listener.


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Johan – High in the Woods

Sun Jun 25 , 2017
Johan’s ‘High in the Woods’ is a captivating song which blends the best elements of indie pop with a dreamlike, ethereal atmosphere. This invitation to a […]